The fox is forced to retreat and continues to plan and plot its next failure."Frank Zaccari
points out everything starts with having the right leader. In fact, a generous donation from
book sales will be given to the UW volleyball program. It becomes a sphere of
sharp spikes, pointing outward in all directions. When Frank Zaccari's professional career took his family
to Seattle, his personal interest in woman's volleyball sought an opportunity for him to get
involved with the program at the University of Washington - the Huskies. The fox plots
and plans a complex series of daily attacks, while the hedgehog focuses solely on what
it deems important. To all UW women's volleyball players, we holler, "POINT! HUSKIES!"Reviewed by: Gary
R. In "From the Ashes," Frank Zaccari discusses in great detail the sequence of events
leading toward UW's volleyball success, Tn Requin as noted in the subtitle The Rise of the University
of Washington Volleyball Program.Frank Zaccari was not the typical spectator in what is a spectator
sport. When the fox leaps out to attack, the hedgehog simply rolls into a perfect
little ball. However, for those involved in college sports, From the Ashes becomes required reading
and you can apply the themes, strategies, and suggestions to your own life; I truly
believe you will find they help you along your journey toward success. The book is
laden with details regarding the players, coaches and competition history of the events of UW
and other teams, so in my opinion the general public may find this book of
parallel interest only if one is a devoted sports fan. One of his theories, titled
the Hedgehog Theory is when using new or different tactics nike tn result in continued failure, due
to not addressing the problem, as excerpted below:"The fox is a cunning creature, able to
devise a myriad of complex strategies for sneak attacks upon the hedgehog...The hedgehog is a
dowdier creature...spends his day searching for lunch and taking care of his home. From the
early days of bringing his daughters to local woman's volleyball competition, he realized the dichotomy
of skill levels between institutions involved in the sport. He describes the miss-match of having
a PAC-10 team, which is the best volleyball conference in the world, pitted against a
mere college team was analogous to bringing lambs to the slaughter. One capable of articulating
his/her vision, inspiring the group, having keen wisdom in selecting the right people for the
proper tasks and always keeping focused on the "goal." This is true in sports, life
and business."From the Ashes" is written for a niche audience, particularly focused on the college
woman's volleyball competition. SorkinGary R. As the legendary coaching of Vince Lombardi of the Green
Bay Packers football team and Phil Jackson of the LA Lakers basketball team would subscribe
to the principles brought forth in "From the Ashes," Frank Zaccari packs a lot of
words of history, reason and motivation into his inspirational book. What makes a team become
so superior? This question brought Frank Zaccari's professional problem solving techniques, used so successfully in
business, to life as a sports advocate.Cleverly and with a minutia of detail specifically geared
to the UW women's volleyball team, Zaccari begins his outline of philosophies designed to ultimately
bring the UW team to the championships. Sorkin is the Senior Editor for Pacific Book
Review. Please visit Pacific Book Review at:
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